Decatur DUI Defense Attorneys Defending DeKalb County Drivers
Have you or a loved one been arrested for drunk driving in Decatur or Dekalb County, Georgia? The DUI defense attorneys at George C. Creal, Jr. P.C. can help you keep your license, future and record clear.
Whether you are driving down the manicured streets of the City of Decatur or the winding roads of the unincorporated area of DeKalb County, sometimes referred to as North Decatur, you are in just as much legal jeopardy if you are pulled over and arrested for driving under the influence.
A DUI arrest, regardless of the street you are booked on, can have dire consequences on your freedoms and your future, whether you realize it or not. Too many drivers treat these charges as an inconvenience to make disappear or as a justified punishment. But the truth is that many accept or endure far more than they need to because they fail to contact a DeKalb County defense lawyer before making a plea.
George C. Creal, Eric Bernstein, and Justin Goodman are a trio of DUI defense attorneys who work throughout the greater Atlanta area, including Decatur and DeKalb counties, to protect the rights and freedoms of Georgia drivers. With their help, you may be able to avoid some or all of the consequences of a DUI conviction.
Arrested For DUI In Decatur? Which One Doesn’t Matter
From local ordinances about cutting trees to the taxes you’ll have to pay, there are plenty of differences between the City of Decatur, the seat of the DeKalb County in the north-east section of the Greater Atlanta Area and the much larger unincorporated area that uses the same name for postage.
This second area, sometimes called North Decatur to limit confusion, does not have many of the same institutions and protections as the county seat just south of it, but one thing they do share is a court system that tends to crack down rather heavily on drunk driving.
Life may be very different in the two areas of DeKalb County, but not nearly as different as your life before and after a DUI conviction.
Decatur Lawyers Explain DUI Dangers To Your Future
Once you have been arrested and processed, where you were arrested in DeKalb stops making a difference in how the law treats you. The penalties for drunk driving, codified under one of a number of Driving Under the Influence charges, are just as serious. And are likely to be even more serious than most Georgia drivers realize.
Dire Legal Consequences Are Just The Beginning For DUI Convictions
How exactly the law decides to punish you for driving under the influence will be up to a prosecutor and judge to decide, but unless you fight the charge and challenge the evidence against you, it is unlikely to be good for you.
DUI convictions in Decatur always come with some form of fine, along with a Driver’s license suspension. This will be even more serious for residents of North Decatur, as they lack the same public transportation options as the wealthier City of Decatur. Either way, your freedom is already at stake.
Worse still, some DUI convictions come with jail time and the very most serious, for example, for an aggravated DUI in which a child was present or pedestrian injured, hard prison time. Even if you do manage to escape with probation, however, a DUI conviction on your record can haunt you anyway.
Decatur Drivers’ And Professional Licenses At Risk After Any DUI
If you are arrested for driving under the influence, it might seem obvious that your driver’s license is at risk. After all, DeKalb County does not want to risk you doing it again, so they are perfectly entitled to seize your driver’s license to get you off the road. What you might not realize, however, is that your driving privileges are not the only ones at stake.
Whether you are a doctor in a City of Decatur private clinic or a public school teacher in North Decatur, your license to practice your trade and help others is also at risk. If you have a professional license that depends on state certification, it might be revoked if the conviction is bad enough. At best, the conviction will simply remain on your record and only interfere if you are coming up for a renewal or promotion.
A promotion you can most likely say goodbye to now that you are a convicted criminal.
Atlanta Lawyers Warn Of Even Farther Reaching Consequences
There is a reason many of the DUI arrests made in Decatur are young: kids lack the perspective to understand just how far-reaching the consequences of a conviction can be. If they are not yet in college, their applications may be denied, and if they are in school, the institution may decide to suspend their attendance.
Others may find it hard to get into the job market with a conviction on their record when they join the labor pool, and even if they do, they will be starting out at a disadvantage when it comes to everything from loan requests to rental applications, and those who somehow manage to build a family despite it all may find that they cannot hold on to their kids as easily in a divorce. All because 20 years ago, they failed to take the DUI charge against them in Decatur, Georgia, seriously enough to hire a good lawyer.
DeKalb County Defense Attorneys Tackle Decatur DUI Cases
Do not let your life or future slip away when a quick phone call to Decatur DUI defense attorneys could spare both.
There is one way the Decatur you get arrested could affect the outcome of your case: the judge and prosecutor you are put before might very well be different, responsive to different arguments, and inclined toward more or less severe punishments. Luckily, the Atlanta area defense attorneys working with George C. Creal know all of them and are eager to get to work defending your future from those consequences.
With decades of combined experience, a keen sense of justice and an aptitude for negotiations, there are few lawyers in the area equally qualified to take on the police and prosecutors to defend your case.
If you call them now at (770) 961-5511, they can get started right away by contesting state evidence against you (like a breath or blood test), preventing you from making a rotten deal, or even getting the DUI case thrown out entirely.
Do not delay when arrested in Decatur; contact a lawyer to make sure when your future and freedom are at stake, your defense lawyer is more than capable of handling the pressure.
Call Now For A Case Evaluation
(770) 961-5511