George C. Creal, Jr. P.C.

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George C. Creal, Jr. P.C.

The Important Personal Medical History To Share With Your DUI Attorney

  • By: George C. Creal

The Important Personal Medical History To Share With Your DUI Attorney Lawyer, Forest Park CityIn this article, you will discover:

  • The essential personal medical history information to share with your attorney
  • Why hire a DUI attorney regardless of your initial plan

We want to know your medical history in a DUI. If you went to the hospital, we want to see your medical records simply because the state may try to obtain those medical records as well, and we want to know the answer to all the outstanding questions. Also, if you have medical issues that might affect your ability to walk a line or stand on one leg, of course, that will be important. If you have medical conditions that are going to cost Nystagmus or jerking of the eye, that’s what the police look for when they’re testing your eyes; they’re looking for Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus – the jerking of the eye when you’re following a stimulus on a horizontal plan. So, we want to know brain injuries, head traumas, injured knees, injured hips, injured ankles, the kind of things that might affect your ability to field sobriety tests. Additionally, brain injuries are the kind of thing that might affect your balance in coordination. All of that will be important in preparing a defense of your DUI case.

Also, prescription medications are important to disclose. However, we don’t want you to tell that to the police because you can be arrested for a prescription drug DUI even if the doctor prescribes those drugs for you. But, still, we need to know what you were taking to see what would show up on a blood test or see how those prescription medications may have affected you while driving.

Why Hire A DUI Lawyer In Fayette County If You’re Planning To Plead Guilty

Anytime you’re facing a year in jail for a criminal offense, it’s in your best interest to hire an attorney. The state has an attorney, the prosecutor is an attorney, and if you go into court without an attorney, you’re at a disadvantage. Additionally, you’re going to get a better result with an attorney than you would without an attorney because the prosecutor will try to make themselves look good. They’re going to try to get the most severe fine and punishment possible, and if you have an attorney, that helps to minimize that fine and other types of penalties.

Also, if you don’t hire an attorney, you may have a case that you could have beaten, had dismissed or reduced, and if you don’t have an attorney, the prosecutor’s not going to tell you that the case they have against you is weak. They’re not going to offer you a reduction to reckless driving or a lesser included traffic offense without an attorney, so if you want to get the best possible legal result, you want an attorney; if you want the best possible chance for being able to drive, you need to get an attorney, I can’t emphasize enough. Get an attorney. You don’t have to hire our DUI lawyers necessarily but hire someone.

For more information on DUI Charges in Georgia, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you seek by calling (770) 961-5511 today.

George C. Creal

George Creal is a trial lawyer who has been practicing law
in the Metro-Atlanta area for over 27 years. George brings
a broad range of experience to the courtroom. Read More