How Do I Know If I Should File A Workers’ Compensation Claim In Georgia?
You should file a workers’ compensation claim in Georgia if you are injured on the job and want to make sure that you are being fully and completely compensated. If your employer sends you to a good doctor who properly treats you and puts you out of work when you injured and not just on restricted duty and does not makes you work with severe pain and disability, and if your employer pays for your medical treatment, as well as benefits while you are out of work and compensation for any reduction in hours upon returning to work, then you don’t necessarily need a lawyer.
Once you complete your medical treatment and reach what’s called maximum medical improvement, your doctor is supposed to give you a disability rating. After that, you are entitled to a third type of workers’ compensation benefit based on the total number of weeks you are eligible for total disability benefits multiplied by the disability rating. For example, 400 weeks times 10 percent would be 40 weeks.
Without an attorney, three out of these four things are probably never going to happen. They are going to pay for your medical expenses, but might not cover temporary total benefits, temporary partial benefits, or benefits from having your hours reduced or having an economic impact due to the injury. When it comes to permanent partial disability, they are almost never going to give you compensation for your disability rating if you don’t have an attorney. If you have a 10 percent whole-body disability rating because of an on-the-job injury, then you are only going to be able to work 90 percent as much in the future as you would have had you not sustained that work injury.
It’s very important that you get a lawyer who can ensure that the insurance company and your employer are being honest and paying you the benefits you deserve.
For more information on Workers’ Compensation Claims In Georgia, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (770) 961-5511.
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